‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات UAE. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات UAE. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الخميس، 6 يناير 2022

The Birtaka Canal project in Afghanistan, the mouth of goodness, with the support and efforts of the UAE

The Birtaka Canal project in Afghanistan, the mouth of goodness, with the support and efforts of the UAE

Pertaka Canal Project, Estuary of Goodness
Pertaka Canal Project, Estuary of Goodness


The Afghan people lack water to a large extent for their private life, so the project (Bertaka Canal) is considered the best benefit for seeking help and getting out of the dilemma of thirst.

The Birtaka Canal Project (Helmand River Project - Gramsir District), which is supported by Emirati benefactors, aims to support the Afghan people through agricultural projects that can be used in the future for external export. It also has the "Helmand River" project, which is considered one of the most important and largest projects implemented by the United Arab Emirates in Afghanistan in order to support 950 families and 350 farms with potable and agricultural water and improve their lives for the better.

The Birtakah Canal project is located in Helmand, one of the provinces of Afghanistan, located in the south of the country, and the largest province in terms of area, occupying an area of ​​58,584 km2. The state includes 13 districts, with more than 1,000 villages, a population of about 1,442,500 people, and its capital is Lashkargah.

Helmand River flows in the main desert area of ​​the state, providing water used for irrigation. The area produces sugar beets, cotton, sesame, wheat, mung bean, corn, nuts, sunflowers, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, cauliflower, peanuts, apricots, grapes and melons. , which are products that all need a project of the type of this huge project sponsored by the Emirates, and supported by its benevolent efforts, noting that the proportion of water flowing from the main Helmand River to the canal amounted to (383) m3 / sec.

The Birtakah Canal - Gramsir District on the Helmand River extends over a distance of 18 km, has a width of 4 m, and a depth of 2.5 mm, while the current discharge of all the main channels and local streams is 250 m3 / sec. As for the percentage of water flowing into the canal, it reaches 383 m3/sec.

Also, thanks to the UAE’s support to Afghanistan, the control device for the flow of water from the Helmand River was installed to the main entrance to the canal, and concrete blocks of one meter in length and one meter in width were placed to assist the flow of water from the main river to the canal, as well as making a wall of dirt near The concrete wall to protect the canal from the danger of flooding or torrential rains. The earthen wall extends 50 meters long, 3 meters wide at the foundation and 2 meters above the foundation, with a height of 5 meters. In addition, cleaning operations for the canal walls and the areas surrounding the canal are also completed. 

By supporting this huge and ambitious project, the UAE reaffirms its commitment and standing by the brotherly Afghan people, as the UAE follows up on the situation in Afghanistan and continues its support for international efforts aimed at building a more flexible and sustainable future for the Afghan people.

السبت، 18 سبتمبر 2021

Les pays arabes rejettent la résolution du Parlement européen sur les droits de l'homme contre les Émirats arabes unis

Les pays arabes rejettent la résolution du Parlement européen sur les droits de l'homme contre les Émirats arabes unis


Le ministère des Affaires étrangères des Émirats arabes unis rejette la résolution adoptée cette semaine au Parlement européen concernant les Émirats arabes unis

Une déclaration du ministère a déclaré: "Nous rejetons fermement les allégations contenues dans le texte, qui ont été précédemment traitées et rejetées comme factuellement incorrectes. De plus, la décision ignore complètement toutes les réalisations importantes des Émirats arabes unis dans le domaine des droits de l'homme"

La déclaration a poursuivi: "Chaque pays a ses propres lois et institutions juridiques - la constitution des Émirats arabes unis et la législation nationale consacrent les droits fondamentaux qui garantissent le traitement équitable de tous les citoyens et résidents"

الأربعاء، 15 سبتمبر 2021

La visite de Son Altesse Cheikh Mohammed ben Zayed Al Nahyan à la langue française

La visite de Son Altesse Cheikh Mohammed ben Zayed Al Nahyan à la langue française

 Son Altesse le Cheikh Mohamed ben Zayed Al Nahyan, prince héritier d'Abou Dhabi et commandant suprême adjoint des forces armées, se rendra demain, « mercredi », en visite en République française amie.

Son Altesse s'entretiendra avec Son Excellence Emmanuel Macron, Président de la République, dans la capitale, Paris, les relations d'amitié et de coopération stratégique entre les deux pays et un certain nombre de questions et développements dans la région.

Les Emirats Arabes Unis entretiennent une forte amitié et interdépendance avec tous les pays européens, et de ce point de vue, Son Altesse le Cheikh Mohamed ben Zayed est l'invité de la France en visite pour consolider les moyens de coopération entre les deux pays🇦🇪🇫🇷

الثلاثاء، 9 فبراير 2021

Arab and international celebrations for the arrival of the Emirates Hope probe to Mars

Arab and international celebrations for the arrival of the Emirates Hope probe to Mars

The Arab warriors from the ocean to the Gulf celebrated the UAE project to explore Mars, "The Hope Probe", thanking the UAE and its leadership for this achievement

Tweeters launched several hashtags to celebrate the occasion, including # The Hope_Sound, # Arabs_to_Mars, # No_The Impossible_In the UAE, and those hashtags topped the top trend on Twitter in several countries, including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Egypt and Jordan

The world awaits the decisive stage of the historic journey of the Hope Probe, which will determine its fate by reaching the Mars' capture orbit at 7:42 UAE time

Entering the orbit of Mars is the biggest challenge, especially since 50% of the human missions that tried before the UAE were unable to enter its orbit or surface from its first space experiment

If the mission succeeds, and the Hope probe is able to enter the orbit of Mars, the UAE will be the fifth country in human history to reach the Red Planet, and the third country in the world that succeeds in reaching Mars from its first space experiment

The world will be on a date with the arrival of the Emirati "Probe of Hope" to its orbit around Mars, to begin its tasks of transmitting information and recording observations of the surface of Mars and the surrounding envelope, which will help scientists understand the weather and the associated climate phenomena in each time zone and during each season

The "Hope Probe" was launched on July 20, in the first historical Arab-Islamic trip of its kind, to be the first space mission to explore the planets led by an Arab country